Effective January 26, all airline passengers to the United States ages two years and older must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test taken within three calendar days of travel. Alternatively, travelers to the U.S. may provide documentation from a licensed health care provider of having recovered from COVID-19 in the 90 days preceding travel. Check the CDC website for additional information and Frequently Asked Questions.
Please follow CDC guidance on Testing and International Travel.
*** The Government of Haiti has announced that beginning on February 9, 2021, it will require negative COVID tests from all passengers prior to boarding flights into Haiti. These tests must have been taken no more than 72 hours prior to boarding and may be Antigen or PCR type. Instead of a negative test, passengers who have had COVID previously may present a positive test together with documentation from their attending physician evidencing their recovery.
Country-Specific Information
Haiti currently has a total of 16,079 COVID-19 cases, an increase of 1034 since June 4. There have been 25 additional deaths as well, bringing total deaths to 346.
The Government of Haiti has implemented measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. Mask wearing is required in public and in instances where social distancing cannot be maintained.
COVID-19 Testing
Are PCR and/or antigen tests available for Australian citizens in Haiti? – Yes.
If so, are test results reliably available within 72 hours? Yes.
The COVID-19 test is available in the following public/private health institutions in five departments of Haiti:
West Department:
Starting, January 27, 2021, the departure terminal at Toussaint Louverture International Airport will have available a COVID-19 rapid testing site. HERO/Medlab at PAP Airport is open from 6AM to 6PM, 7 days a week for the COVID antigen testing only. The results will be available while you wait. Walk-ins are accepted and Fast Track appointments available. The Fast-Track appointment test cost $92 and the Regular (non-Fast Track) cost – $85. Payment can be made in cash (USD or HTG), via PayPal, or credit card. You may pre-pay or pay onsite. HERO/Medlab have recently launched a pre-registration system that allows you to pay and register online prior to arriving at their PAP Airport COVID-19 testing site. Use of this system comes with access to the Fast-Track line, with significantly lower wait times. Once you enter the name(s) and payment information, you will receive an e-mail confirmation that can be printed or show on your phone to the line manager. Please have your passport ready for ID verification. To pre-register, please click HERE
Zanmi Lasante (Partners in Health) is also offering COVID antigen Testing and PCR testing at Airport – Open 7 days a week at airport site, PCR samples collected between 8AM-12PM and antigen tests between 8AM and 3PM. PCR test cost – $75 or HTG 6,000; antigen test – $50 or HTG 4,000. Appointments are required, and the registration form must be completed in advance. The results will be delivered daily to the collection sites. Antigen test results will be delivered on the day of sample collection, while PCR test results will be delivered 48 to 72 hours after the sample was collected. Make sure to confirm with testing personnel how you will be notified when your results are ready before you leave the testing site. https://covid.zanmilasante.org/request for the form and more information on payment.
JBS Laboratoire (Antigen and PCR Test): 115-117 Rue Capois, Port-au-Prince
Hôpital de l’Université d’Etat d’Haiti (HUEH) (PCR Test) : Ave.Mgr Guilloux et St-Honoré, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Laboratoire d’Analyse Medicale 17 19 (Antigen and PCR Test): 17, Ave Christophe, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Centre de Prevention Medicale (Antigen and PCR Test) : 31, Ave Charles Summer, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
BIO Endocrine Lab (Antigen Test): 11, Ave Lamartiniere, Bois verna, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Centre Hospitalier Sainte Marie (Antigen Test): Avenue John Brown, Lalue, Haiti
BIOMED Lab (Antigen test) : 88, Route de Canape Vert, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Laboratoire National de la Santé Publique (Antigen and PCR test) : 52, angle Rue chardonnières et Delmas 33, Delmas, Haiti
Hôpital Universitaire de la Paix (PCR Test) : 50, Route de Delmas 33, Delmas, Haiti
Precision Lab (Antigen Test) : Delmas 40B, Delmas, Haiti
MicroLab (Antigen and PCR Test) : 57, Angle Rues Lambert et Lamarre, Pétion-Ville, Haiti
MedLab (Antigen Test): 51, Rue Fernand, Canape Vert, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Clinique Lambert – Unilab (Antigen Test) : 75, Rue Lambert, Pétion-Ville
Hopital Eliazard Germain (PCR Test): Rue Panaméricaine, Pétion-Ville
Laboratoire R. Merieux (Gheskio IMIS LRM) (Antigen and PCR Test) : Chateau Blond – Tabarre 41. Entrance Rue T. Auguste, Rue Roumain, Tabarre, Haiti
Site de Prevention OIM (Antigen Test) : Tabarre 27, 11 Rue E Pierre, Tabarre, Haiti.
North Department:
Hopital Bienfaisance de Pignon d’Haiti (Antigen Test) : 38, rue de Pignon, Pignon, Haiti
New Hope Hospital (Antigen test) : Habitation Duperier, Plaine du Nord, Haiti
North East Department:
Centre de Sante de Caracol/Cahesse (Antigen Test): 35, Route de Caracol, Caracol, Haiti
Artibonite Department:
MDS Biodiagnostic Lab (Antigen Test) : Angle rue supris Laurent et T. Louverture, Saint Marc, Haiti
Complexe Medical Prophylaxie (Antigen Test) : Rue Louverture #20, Gonaives, Haiti
Centre Department:
Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais (Antigen and PCR Test): Route départementale, Mirebalais, Haiti
COVID-19 Vaccine Information:
Has the government of Haiti approved a COVID-19 vaccine for use? No
Are vaccines available in Haiti for Australian citizens to receive? No
Which vaccines are available in Haiti? None at this time
Entry and Exit Requirements
Are Australian citizens permitted to enter? Yes, with a visa
The international airport in Port-au-Prince is open to regular two-way commercial passenger flights as of June 30, 2020. The international airport in Cap-Haitien is open, and flights to and from Cap-Haitian have resumed on a regular basis. Commercial airlines resumed regular flight services to and from Haiti beginning on July 1, 2020.
The land border with the Dominican Republic is open to pedestrian and vehicular traffic as of July 1, 2020.
Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or Antigen) required for entry? Yes
Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? Yes
Movement Restrictions
Is a curfew in place? yes, from 10PM to 5AM.
Are there restrictions on intercity or interstate travel? No
Quarantine Information
Are Australian citizens required to quarantine? No
Transportation Options
Are commercial flights operating? Yes
Is public transportation operating? Yes
According to the last official communication of the government (Circular n. 009), wearing a mask remains mandatory in public spaces. Australian citizens are asked to wear masks in public transportation if unable to maintain physical distance. Any gathering on public roads involving more than 50 people is prohibited.
Fines for Non-Compliance There are no consequences publicly listed for violation of COVID-19 mitigation measures at this time; however, this does not mean that non-compliance isn’t punishable by law.